Moved by Movement in Novels: Phenomenological Approaches

September 9–10, 2021, International Online Workshop, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

This online workshop contributes to prior research on the conceptualization of narratives’ transmission of emotions via configurations of embodied mobility and contact by examining and problematizing concrete examples of the movement of bodies in novels. We invite contributions from literary and cultural studies in reader reception and aesthetics, narrative theory, mobility studies, philosophy of literature and other areas of study. We welcome culturally and historically situated contributions in areas ranging from the early eighteenth century until contemporary literature, and/ or theoretical considerations. Areas of special theoretical interest include:


Aesthetics and aesthetic experience – The investigation of the nature of beauty in the history of literary criticism

Aesthetics of reception – The conceptualization of reading experiences revolving around aesthetic distance

Aisthesis and kinaesthesia – Phenomenological approaches to perception, movement, and the verbal representation thereof

Attachment – Affirmative approaches to the imagination in criticism as proposed in the debate about critique and postcritique  (Picture copyright )

Chiasmus and phenomenology of reading – Reading experiences in which readers’ being is immersed in or absorbed by a text

Experientiality – Narrative’s quasi-mimetic evocation of real-life experience and enactivist perspectives

Hermeneutical phenomenology – The processes in which readers’ (embodied) disposition changes through the text, particularly in Paul Ricœur’s model of refiguration

Narrative empathy – Narrative-induced sharing of feeling and perspective-taking

Transmission of affect – Exchanges of affects and emotions in feminist cultural studies, in particular exchanges between bodies as well as the sensation of being moved or emotionally touched by invented stories

Abstract submission: Please submit your abstract for a presentation (no more than 300 words) and a brief biography (max. 100 words) to .

Deadline for submission of abstracts is June 15, 2021.

The notification of acceptance will be sent by June 30.

Call for Papers - Moved by Movement Workshop